Tribute to Friederike Hammer from Steve Roskams

Introduction by Ian Blair

On Saturday 22nd April there was a gathering at Friederike’s house in Thames Ditton to celebrate her life, with over thirty archaeologists in attendance together with family and friends totalling around one hundred people. It was sadly the case that many former colleagues who would have liked to attend were unable to be added to the list of attendees once the upper limit had been reached.

Steve Roskams worked closely with Friederike throughout her archaeological career and indeed was there at the very start, has since made a fitting video tribute outlining her incredible contribution to archaeology, the following italicised text is taken from his communication to the organising committee. Steve is happy for us to add the video to the pages of ‘Hobley’s Heroes’ and ‘Digging London’ so that it can reach as wide an audience as possible:

Christian and Molla,
‘Thanks so much for organising the party at Woodstock. It was great to have the chance to remember, indeed honour, the life of someone who meant so much to us all. When reflecting on the day, I thought it was a shame that there was not more comment on her archaeological work alongside all the other achievements of her life  (I would have said something myself but didn't feel well enough at that time). So, to fill that gap I recorded the attached tribute.  would it be possible to send it out to the wider email group so they can get a flavour of how much her work mattered.’ 

Thanks again,




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